Corrections to Chapter 11 of Java Network Programming, Sockets for Servers

p. 354: In the code fragment at the bottom of the page, InetAddress.getHostByName("") should be InetAddress.getByName(""). That is,
        try {
          ServerSocket httpd = new ServerSocket(5776, 100,
        catch (IOException e) {

p. 364: In the first line, jServerSocket should be ServerSocket (delete the initial j).

p. 372: In the main() method, on the last line of the page, "args.length >= 2" should be "args.length > 2".

p. 374: In the last sentence of the 1st paragraph, "However, that would raise some additional issues of thread safety that Example 11-5 doesn't have to address because it's immutable." should be "However, that would raise some additional issues of thread safety that Example 11-6 doesn't have to address because it's immutable." That is, change "11-5" to 11-6".

p. 384: In order to better handle unexpected network failures (broken sockets), near the bottom of the page change

if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') break;


if (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == -1) break;

p. 385: About three quarters of the way down the page, at the end of the second code block,

} // end try

should be

} // end if

That is, change try to if in the comment.

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Copyright 2002-2004 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified November 1, 2004