JavaDoc Problems

From Jaxen's BaseXPath class:

Are these methods too simple to fail?

    /** Return the original expression text.
     *  @return the normalized XPath expression string
    public String toString()
        return this.exprText;

    /** Returns the string version of this xpath.
     *  @return the normalized XPath expression string
     *  @see #toString
    public String debug()
        return this.xpath.toString();

The second one wasn't tested. Testing revealed that it didn't return what the JavaDoc said it did. In this case, the JavaDoc was incorrect and needed to be repaired.

    /** Returns a string representation of the parse tree.
     *  @return a string representation of the parse tree.
    public String debug()
        return this.xpath.toString();

Further testing revealed a problem in the toString() method in DefaultNameStep that was implicitly invoked by this method.
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Copyright 2005, 2006 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified October 3, 2005