The Java Developer's Resource, Chapter 3: Hello World: The Application

In this chapter

Hello World: The Application This chapter begins your introduction to programming in Java. In this chapter you will write a simple Java application. The goal is to be able to write, compile and run a simple Java program. Once you can do that you're ready to move on.

The Hello World Program

At least since the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language it's been customary to begin programming tutorials and classes with the "Hello World" program, a program that prints the words "Hello World!" on the display. Being heavily influenced by Kernighan and Ritchie and not one to defy tradition , this book begins similarly. Here's the Hello World program in its entirety:

Program 3-1: Hello World

class HelloWorld {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!");


Hello World is very close to the simplest program imaginable. When you successfully compile and run it, it prints the words "Hello World!" on your display. Although it doesn't teach very much programming, it gives you a chance to learn the mechanics of typing and compiling code. The goal of this program is not to learn how to print words to the terminal. It's to learn how to type, save and compile a program. This is often a non-trivial procedure, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong even if your source code is correct.

If you completed the last chapter, you should already have downloaded and installed a Java compiler and interpreter. You should also have looked at some applets written by other people. Also, if you're using Unix or Windows, you should have configured your PATH environment variable so that the command line can find the Java compiler and other utilities. To make sure you're set up correctly, bring up a command-line prompt and type


If your computer responds with

error: Can't read:

you're ready to begin. If, on the other hand, it responds

javac: Command not found

or something similar, then you need to go back to the last chapter and make sure you have the Java environment properly installed and your PATH configured correctly.

Assuming that Java is properly installed on your system, there are three steps to creating a Java program:

  1. Writing the code
  2. Compiling the code
  3. Running the code

Step 1: Write the Code

To write the code you need a text editor. You can use any text editor like Notepad, Brief, emacs or vi. Personally I use BBEdit on the Mac and UltraEdit on Windows. You should not use a word processor like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect since these save their files in a proprietary format and not in pure ASCII text. If you absolutely must use one of these, be sure to tell it to save your files as pure text. Generally this will require using Save As... rather than Save.

Integrated development environments like WebGain's Cafe or Borland's JBuilder include text editors you can use to edit Java source code. Such an editor will probably change your words various colors and styles for no apparent reason. Don't worry about this yet. As long as the text is correct, you'll be fine.

When you've chosen your text editor type Program into a new file. For now type it exactly as it appears here. Like C and unlike Fortran, Java is case sensitive so System.out.println is not the same as system.out.println. CLASS is not the same as class, and so on.

Save this code in a file called Use exactly that name including case. Congratulations! You've just written your first Java program.

Extraneous Extensions

Some Windows text editors including Notepad add a three letter .txt extension to all the files they save without telling you. Thus you can unexpectedly end up with a file called This is wrong and will not compile. If your editor has this problem, you should get a better editor. However in the meantime enclose the filename in double quotes in the Save dialog box to make editor save the file with exactly the name you want.

Step 2: Compile the Code

Writing code is easy. Writing correct code is much harder. In the compilation step you find out whether the code you wrote is in fact legal Java code. Select the section which most closely matches your environment, and follow the instructions to compile and run your program.

Unix and Linux

To compile the code from the command line, make sure you're in the same directory where you saved and type "javac" at the command line prompt. For example,

% javac

If everything is well, then the compiler will silently return you to the command line prompt with no indication that anything has happened. However if you list the files in that directory, you'll see a new file there called HelloWorld.class. This file contains the Java byte codes for your program.


To compile the code from the command line, make sure you're in the same directory where you saved and type javac in a DOS window. For example,


If everything is well, then the compiler will silently return you to the command line prompt with no indication that anything has happened. However if you list the files in that directory, you'll see a new file there called HelloWorld.class. This file contains the Java byte codes for your program. For example,

 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is D845-2F2F

 Directory of C:\books\JDR2\examples

06/05/00  11:35a        <DIR>          .
06/05/00  11:35a        <DIR>          ..
06/05/00  11:37a                   115
06/05/00  11:45a                   426 HelloWorld.class
               4 File(s)            541 bytes
                            219,250,688 bytes free


Open the Tools folder in the MRJ SDK folder. You'll see a a folder called JDK Tools. Inside this folder you'll find a double-clickable application named javac. Double click it.

The dialog that pops up is the compiler. In the empty text field at the top you type the full paths to the files you want to compile using Unix-style path syntax. For example, if is on the Desktop on a hard drive named Macintosh HD, you would type "/Macintosh HD/Desktop Folder/". This is shown in Figure 3-1. Then press the "Do Javac" button to compile the file. The compiler displays any error messages in a new dialog box. If the file compiles withot error, the compiler places the resulting .class in the same directory as the source code file.

Figure 3-1: Compiling Hello World on the Macintosh

If at first you don't succeed...

Your first effort to compile the code may not succeed. In fact it's probably more likely that it will fail than that it will work. In that case you may see one or more of the following error messages: ';' expected.
    System.out.println("Hello World!")
                                     ^ Class or interface declaration expected.
Class HelloWorld {
^ '}' expected.

These messages may or may not be helpful. For now if you had a problem you should make sure that you did in fact type in the code exactly as written in Program 3-1. Here are a few common mistakes you can check for:

  • Did you put a semicolon after System.out.println("Hello World!")?

  • Did you include the closing brace? There should be two open braces and two closing braces.

  • Did you type everything exactly as it appears here? In particular did you use the same capitalization? Remember, Java is case sensitive. class is not the same as Class.

  • Make sure your text editor used straight quotes like "" and not curly quotes like “ and ”.

Step 2 is by far the hardest part of this entire book. Do not get discouraged if you're having trouble getting code to compile. If after following the above suggestions you still can't compile, try the following:

  • Read the documentation, scant though it may be, for your development environment. This is particularly important if you're using an IDE that isn't covered here like Borland's JBuilder.

  • Get a knowledgeable friend to help you out. This is often the quickest road to success at this stage.

  • Get an unknowledgeable friend to help out. Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes to see what you can't.

  • Post a message on Be sure to include your complete source code, the complete text of any error messages you get, and details of the development environment and platform you're using. For example, Sun's JDK 1.1, Solaris 2.5 for Sparc, etc.

Step 3: Run the Program

After you have successfully compiled the program, you run the program to find out whether it in fact does what you expect it to do.

Linux and Unix:

When javac compiled, it wrote byte code in a file called HelloWorld.class in the same directory as You run this program by typing "java HelloWorld" at the shell prompt. For example,

% java HelloWorld

As you probably guessed the program responds by printing "Hello World!" on your screen as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Successful Unix compile

Congratulations! You've just finished your first Java program!

Macintosh Runtime for Java Software Development Kit (MRJ SDK)

In the MRJ SDK 2.x folder, you'll see a folder called JBindery. Open it. Inside this folder, you'll find a double clickable aplpication called JBindery. Drag and drop the HelloWorld.class file onto the JBindery icon. This should result in the dialog shown in Figure 3-3. Then click the Run button.

Figure 3-3: Hello World on the Macintosh

Then the program prints "Hello World!" in a standard output window your screen as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Hello World on the Macintosh

At this point you may find yourself wondering how to quit since there doesn't appear to be a standard File menu with a Quit menu item. The Quit menu item is hiding in the Java Runtime menu in the Apple menu. The reason is so that you can create your own menu bars in stand-alone applications that replace the standard Macintosh menu bars. You'll learn how to do this in Chapter !Bad Ref!.

Examining Hello World

Hello World is a Java application. A Java application is normally started from the command line prompt and contains a main() method.

When you typed java HelloWorld, here's what happened. First the Java interpreter looked for a file called HelloWorld.class. When it found that file, it looked inside it for a method called main(). Once it found the main method, it executed the statements found there, in order. In this case there was only one statement, System.out.println("Hello World!"); which, as you probably guessed, prints "Hello World!" on the screen. Then, since there were no further statements in the main() method, the program exited.

The Micro-Structure of a Java Program

Java source code is composed of a number of different pieces. The lowest level is made up of tokens which are like atoms. Each token cannot be split into smaller pieces without fundamentally altering its meaning. There are seven kinds of tokens:

These tokens are combined to make the molecules of Java programs, statements and expressions; and these molecules are combined into still larger structures of blocks, methods, and classes.


Keywords are identifiers like public, static and class that have a special meaning inside Java source code and outside of comments and string literals. Hello World uses four keywords: public, static, void and class.

Keywords are reserved for their intended use and cannot be used by the programmer for variable or method names.

There are fifty reserved keywords in Java 1.1 (51 in Java 1.2). The forty-eight that are actually used in are listed in Table 3-1 below. Don't worry if the purposes of the keywords seem a little opaque at this point. They will all be explained in much greater detail later.

Table 3-1: Keywords Used in Java 1.1

abstractdeclares that a class or method is abstract
booleandeclares a boolean variable or return type
breakprematurely exits a loop
bytedeclares a byte variable or return type
caseone case in a switch statement
catchhandle an exception
chardeclares a character variable or return type
classsignals the beginning of a class definition
continueprematurely return to the beginning of a loop
defaultdefault action for a switch statement
dobegins a do while loop
doubledeclares a double variable or return type
elsesignals the code to be executed if an if statement is not true
extendsspecifies the class which this class is a subclass of
finaldeclares that a class may not be subclassed or that a field or method may not be overridden
finallydeclares a block of code guaranteed to be executed
floatdeclares a floating point variable or return type
forbegins a for loop
ifexecute statements if the condition is true
implementsdeclares that this class implements the given interface
importpermit access to a class or group of classes in a package
instanceoftests whether an object is an instanceof a class
intdeclares an integer variable or return type
interfacesignals the beginning of an interface definition
longdeclares a long integer variable or return type
nativedeclares that a method is implemented in native code
newallocates a new object
packagedefines the package in which this source code file belongs
privatedeclares a method or member variable to be private
protecteddeclares a class, method or member variable to be protected
publicdeclares a class, method or member variable to be public
returnreturns a value from a method
shortdeclares a short integer variable or return type
staticdeclares that a field or a method belongs to a class rather than an object
supera reference to the parent of the current object
switchtests for the truth of various possible cases
synchronizedIndicates that a section of code is not thread-safe
thisa reference to the current object
throwthrow an exception
throwsdeclares the exceptions thrown by a method
transientThis field should not be serialized
tryattempt an operation that may throw an exception
voiddeclare that a method does not return a value
volatileWarns the compiler that a variable changes asynchronously
whilebegins a while loop

Two other keywords, const and goto, are reserved by Java but are not actually implemented. This allows compilers to produce better error messages if these common C++ keywords are improperly used in a Java program.

Java 1.2 adds the strictfp keyword to declare that a method or class must be run with exact IEEE 754 semantics.

true and false appear to be missing from this list. In fact, they are not keywords but rather boolean literals. You still can't use them as a variable name though.

Language Law: Are true and false Java keywords?

According to the New Hacker's Dictionary a language lawyer is "a person who will show you the five sentences scattered through a 200-plus-page manual that together imply the answer to your question 'if only you had thought to look there.'" Language law sections are included in this book to satisfy language lawyers and other pedants who enjoy sending authors flaming email to correct minor misstatements.

According to the Java language specification true and false are not Java keywords. Rather they are boolean literals, just as 1.2 is a floating point literal and 42 is an integer literal.


Literals are pieces of Java source code that mean exactly what they say. For instance "Hello World!" is a String literal and its meaning is the string Hello World!

The string "Hello World!" looks like it's several things; but to the compiler it's just one thing, a String. This is similar to how an expression like 1,987,234 may be seven digits and two commas but is really just one number.

Grammar Alert: Why is the Word String Capitalized?

The word string with a little s is a generic term in programming that refers to an ordered sequences of characters. However in Java all strings are members of the java.lang.String class. Since Java is case- sensitive string is not the same as String. The case sensitivity of Java is responsible for a lot of apparently funky grammar in this book.

The double quote marks tell you this is a String literal. A string is an ordered collection of characters (letters, digits, punctuation marks, etc.). Although the string may have meaning to a human being reading the code, the computer sees it as no more than a particular set of letters in a particular order. It has no concept of the meaning of the characters. For instance it does not know that "two" + "two" is "four." In fact the computer thinks that "two" + "two" is "twotwo"

The quote marks show where the String literal begins and ends. However the quote marks themselves are not a part of the String literal. The value of this string is Hello World!, not "Hello World!" You can change the output of the program by changing Hello World to some other line of text.

A Java String has no concept of italics, bold face, font family or other formatting. It cares only about the characters that compose it. Even if you're using an editor like NisusWriter that lets you format text files, "Hello World!" is identical to "Hello World!" as far as Java is concerned.

char literals are similar to String literals except they're enclosed in single quotes and must have exactly one character. For example 'c' is a char literal that means the letter c.

true and false are boolean literals that mean true and false.

Numbers can also be literals. 34 is an int literal and it means the number thirty-four. 1.5 is a double literal. 45.6, 76.4E8 (76.4 times 10 to the 8th power) and -32.0 are also double literals.

34L is a long literal and it means the number thirty-four. 1.5F is a float literal. 45.6f, 76.4E8F and -32.0F are also float literals.


Identifiers are the names of variables, methods, classes, packages and interfaces. Unlike literals they are not the things themselves, just ways of referring to them. In the HelloWorld program, HelloWorld, String, args, main and System.out.println are identifiers. HelloWorld, String, and System are identify classes. main and println identify methods. args identifies a method argument and out identifies an object field.

Identifiers must be composed of letters, numbers, the underscore _ and the dollar sign $. Identifiers may only begin with a letter, the underscore or a dollar sign. They may not begin with a number. Furthermore, that they cannot contain any white space or ounctuation characetrs other than _ and $.

It's a good idea to use mnemonic names that are closely related to the things they identify. It is important to note that as in C but not as in Fortran or Basic, all identifiers are case-sensitive. MyVariable is not the same as myVariable. There is no limit to the length of a Java identifier. The following are all legal identifiers:

  • MyVariable
  • myvariable
  • x
  • i
  • _myvariable
  • $myvariable
  • _9pins
  • andros
  • ανδρος
  • OReilly
  • This_is_an_insanely_long_variable_name_that_just_keeps_going_and_going_and_going_and_well_you_get_the_idea_The_line_breaks_arent_really_part_of_the_variable_name_Its_just_that_this_variable_name_is_so_ridiculously_long_that_it_won't_fit_on_the_page_I_cant_imagine_why_you_would_need_such_a_long_variable_name_but_if_you_do_you_can_have_it

The following are not legal identifiers:

  • My Identifier // Contains a space
  • 9pins // Begins with a digit
  • a+c // The plus sign is not an alphanumeric character
  • testing1-2-3 // The hyphen is not an alphanumeric character
  • O'Reilly // Apostrophe is not an alphanumeric character
  • OReilly_&_Associates // ampersand is not an alphanumeric character
Tip: How to Begin an Identifier with a Number

If you want to begin an identifier with a digit, prefix the name you'd like to have (e.g. 8ball) with an underscore, e.g. _8ball. You can also use the underscore to act like a space in long identifiers.

White Space

White space consists mostly of the space character that you produce by hitting the space bar on your keyboard and that is commonly used to separate words in sentences. There are four other white space characters in Java:

  • the horizontal tab
  • the form feed
  • the carriage return
  • the linefeed

Depending on your platform, when you hit the return or enter key, you get either a carriage return (the Mac), a linefeed (Unix) or both (DOS, Windows, VMS). This produces a hard line break in the source code text.

Outside of String literals Java treats all white space and runs of white space (more than one white space character in immediate succession) the same. It's only used to separate tokens and pretty up code, and for this purpose one space is as good as seven spaces, a tab and two carriage returns. Exactly which white space characters you use is primarily a result of what's convenient for human beings reading the code. The compiler doesn't care.

Inside String and character literals the only white space permitted is the space character. Carriage returns, tabs, line feeds and form feeds must be inserted with special escape sequences like \r, \t, \n, and \f. You cannot break a String literal across a line like this:

String poem = "Mary had a little lamb
whose fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go.";

Instead you must use \n and the string concatenation operator, +, like this:

String poem = "Mary had a little lamb\n" +
"whose fleece was white as snow\n" +
"and everywhere that Mary went\n" +
"the lamb was sure to go.";

Note that you can break a statement across multiple lines, you just can't break a String literal.

Also note that \n only works on Unix. You should probably use System.getProperty("line.separator") instead to return the proper line separator string for the platform your program is running on.

Java does not have all the escape sequences C has. Besides those already mentioned it has only \b for backspace, \\ for the backslash character itself.

There are also \u escapes that let you include any Unicode character.


Separators help define the structure of a program. The separators used in HelloWorld are parentheses, ( ), braces, { }, brackets, [ ], the period, ., and the semicolon, ;. Table 3-2 lists the six Java separators (nine if you count opening and closing separators as two).

Table 3-2: Separator Characters in Java

Separator Purpose
( )Encloses arguments in method definitions and calling; adjusts precedence in arithmetic expressions; surrounds cast types; and delimits test expressions in flow control statements
{ }defines blocks of code and automatically initializes arrays
[ ]declares array types and dereferences array values
;terminates statements
,separates successive identifiers in variable declarations; chains statements in the test expression of a for loop
.Selects a field or method from an object; separates package names from sub-package and class names
:Used after loop labels


You might think it would be useful to be able to store information about what is going on in a program within the source code itself. In fact you can. This is done with comments.

Comments in Java are identical to those in C++. Everything between /* and */ is ignored by the compiler, and everything on a single line after // is also thrown away. Therefore, Program 3-2 is, as far as the compiler is concerned, identical to the first HelloWorld program.

Program 3-2: Hello World with Comments

// This is the Hello World program in Java
class HelloWorld {

  public static void main (String[] args) { 

    /* Now let's print the line Hello World */
    System.out.println("Hello World!");
  } // main ends here

} // HelloWorld ends here

The /* */ style comments can comment out multiple lines so they're useful when you want to remove large blocks of code, perhaps for debugging purposes. // style comments are better for short notes of no more than a line. /* */ can also be used in the middle of a line whereas // can only be used at the end. However putting a comment in the middle of a line makes code harder to read and is generally considered to be bad form.

Comments evaluate to white space, not nothing at all. Thus the following line causes a compiler error:

int i = 78/* Split the number in two*/76;

Java turns this into the illegal line

int i = 78 76;

not the legal line

int i = 7876;

This is also a difference between K&R C and ANSI C.


An operator is a symbol that operates on one or more arguments to produce a result. The Hello World program is so simple it doesn't use any operators but almost all other programs you write will. Table 3-3 lists Java's operators. Don't worry if the purposes of the operators seem a little opaque at this point. They will all be explained in much greater detail later.

Table 3-3: Java Operators

+addition of numbers, concatenation of Strings
+=add and assign numbers, concatenate and assign Strings
-=subtract and assign
*=multiply and assign
/=divide and assign
|bitwise OR
|=bitwise OR and assign
^bitwise XOR
^=bitwise XOR and assign
&bitwise AND
&=bitwise AND and assign
%take remainder
%=take remainder and assign
>greater than
>=greater than or equal to
<less than
<=less than or equal to
!boolean NOT
!=not equal to
++increment by one
--decrement by one
>>shift bits right with sign extension
>>=shift bits right with sign extension and assign
<<shift bits left
<<=shift bits left and assign
>>>unsigned bit shift right
>>>=unsigned bit shift right and assign
&&boolean AND
||boolean OR
==boolean equals
~bitwise NOT

Tokenizing HelloWorld

Now that you know what the tokens are it's possible to break HelloWorld into tokens. Here are the tokens in the commented version of Hello World, one to a line.

// This is the Hello World program in Java





/* Now let's print the line Hello World */

"Hello World!"
// main ends here

// HelloWorld ends here

There are twenty-five tokens in HelloWorld, four keywords, five identifiers, four comments, one literal and eleven separators. That, in short, is the micro-structure of HelloWorld.

The Macro-Structure of Hello World

HelloWorld is very close to the simplest program imaginable. All it does is print two words and an exclamation point on the display. Nonetheless there's quite a lot going on inside it. All Java applications have a certain structure and since HelloWorld is a Java application, albeit a simple one, it shares that structure.

You might think that the only line in the code that mattered was System.out.println("Hello World!"); since that was the only line that appeared to do anything. In some sense it was the only line that did anything. In fact it's the only statement in the program. However the rest of the code is not irrelevant. It sets up a structure that all Java applications must follow. Since there is so little going on in this program, the structure is rather exposed and easy to see. Therefore let's take this opportunity to investigate the structure of a simple Java application, line by line.

Line 1:

class HelloWorld {

The initial class statement may be thought of as defining the program name, in this case HelloWorld. The compiler actually got the name for the class file from the class HelloWorld statement in the source code, not from the name of the source code file. If there is more than one class in a file, then the Java compiler will store each one in a separate .class file. For reasons you'll see later, it's advisable to give the source code file the same name as the primary class in the file followed by the .java extension.

Line 1:

class HelloWorld {

After class HelloWorld you open the class with a brace. The brace is used to separate blocks of code, and must be matched by a closing brace. Thus somewhere (in this case all the way at the end of the file) is another brace which closes the class. Everything between those two braces is a part of this class.

Line 2:

The second line is blank. Blank lines are meaningless in Java and are used purely to make the code easier to read. You could take all the blank lines out of this program, and it would still produce identical results.

Line 3:

public static void main (String[] args) {

The HelloWorld class contains one method, the main() method. As in C, the main() method is where an application begins executing. The words before the braces declare what the main() method is, what type of value it returns and what data it receives. Everything after the brace actually is the main() method.

Line 3:

public static void main (String[] args) {

The main() method is declared public meaning that the method can be called from anywhere. It is declared static meaning that all instances of this class share this one method. It is declared void which means, as in C, that this method does not return a value. Finally the interpreter passes any command line arguments to the method in an array of Strings called args. In this simple program there aren't any command line arguments though.

Line 3 is the most complicated line in the program. You'll investigate each piece of this line in much greater detail in later chapters so don't worry too much about it now. The primary thing you need to know is that every Java application (but not every applet) needs to have a main() method and that method must be declared exactly as this one is.

Finally note that line 3 is indented by two spaces. This is because line 3 is inside the HelloWorld class and indentation helps keep track of how deep inside it is. Every time you open a new block with a brace, it's customary to indent subsequent lines by two more spaces. When you leave the block with a closing brace, deindent by two spaces. This makes the code much easier to read since you can see at a glance which statements belong to which classes, methods and blocks. However this is purely a convention and not in any way part of the Java language. The code would produce identical output if it had no indentation. In fact you'll probably find a few examples in this book where the convention hasn't been followed precisely. Indentation makes code easier to read and understand, but does not change its meaning.

White space in Java is significant as a separator between different things, but the amount of white space is not. The Java compiler treats three consecutive spaces the same as three consecutive tabs the same as one space. Whether you use tabs or spaces to indent your code is mainly a matter of which is more convenient in your text editor.

The amount and type of white space is significant inside String literals. "Hello World!" is not the same as "Hello World!" and "Hello

World!" won't even compile.

Line 4 is another blank line.

Line 5:

System.out.println("Hello World!");

Line 5 is indented by two more spaces since it is now two braces deep in the program (in the main() method of the HelloWorld class).

When the main() method is called, it does exactly one thing: print Hello World! to the standard output, generally a terminal monitor or console window of some sort. This is accomplished by the System.out.println() method. To be more precise this is accomplished by calling the println method of the out object belonging to the System class; but for now just treat this as one method.

The System.out.println() method accepts a single argument of any type. In this case it has the argument "Hello World!"

Next note that this line ends with a semicolon. Every statement in Java must end with a semicolon, and it's a very common mistake of even the most experienced programmers to omit semicolons. If you do the compiler will generate an error message which, depending on how smart the compiler is, may or may not have anything to do with missing semicolons. For instance if the semicolon is left out of this line here's what javac says: ';' expected.
    System.out.println("Hello World!")

You may be wondering why the other lines of this program didn't end with a semicolon. They didn't because they're not statements. Rather they're definitions. When you open a block with a brace you're signaling that you can't do everything you want to do with one statement. Instead you're going to use a whole series of statements and execute them as a group. It isn't finished so you'll continue with more statements. On the other hand System.out.println("Hello World!") is complete unto itself so it is terminated with a semicolon.

Sometimes you'll have lines of code that continue for some distance. It is permissible to use a newline or carriage return instead of typing a space (except inside a String literal). The Java compiler treats all white space equally. This book makes frequent use of this feature to make long lines of code fit within the margins of the page. Remember, the line isn't finished until you see the semicolon.

For C Programmers: println() and printf()

Unlike the printf() function in C the System.out.println() method does append a newline at the end of its output. There's no need to include a \n at the end of each string to break a line. There is also a System.out.print() method which doesn't add a newline at the end of each line.

Line 6 is blank.

Line 7 has a closing brace. This finishes the main method since the previous opening brace opened the main method. A closing brace closes the nearest preceding opening brace that has not already been closed.

Line 8 is blank.

Line 9 has the final closing brace which signals the end of the HelloWorld class.


In this chapter you learned to write a simple Java application. The things you learned included:

The goal of this chapter is to be able to write, compile and run a simple Java program. Once you've done that, you're ready to move on.

Coming Up

In the next chapter you'll expand the Hello World program to include multiple statements, different data and user input. You'll learn a variation on System.out.println(), how to use String variables and how to do simple arithmetic.

There isn't much more to learn about comments than you learned in this chapter. However in Chapter !Bad Ref!, JavaDoc, you will learn how to use special JavaDoc comments to combine source code with its own documentation.

There is a lot more to learn about println() than this chapter covered, though. You'll see more about it in Chapter !Bad Ref!, Files and Streams.

Questions and Answers

Q: Does the compiler turn comments into white space or does it throw them away completely?

A: As in ANSI C the compiler turns comments into white space. In general when you're uncertain how something may work, the way it works in ANSI C is a good first guess.

Q: I thought Java was supposed to be cross-platform, How come they're all these different instructions for Unix, the Mac and Windows?

A: Programs you create with Java are cross-platform. The Java development environment regrettably isn't.

Q: Can comments be included in the middle of a String?

A: No. Inside a String literal / and * are just like any other characters. They have no special meaning. For instance the following program prints /* This is a test */:

class StringTest {

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    System.out.println(" /* This is a test */");




  1. What happens if you change the name of the source code file, e.g. instead of
  2. What happens if you keep the name of the source code file the same ( but change the class's name, e.g. class HelloEarth?
  3. How would you write the Hello World program in French? Spanish? Latin? Arabic? Chinese?
  4. What's the difference between an operator and a separator?
  5. What's the difference between a keyword and an identifier?
  6. What's the difference between an identifier and a literal?
  7. What would happen if you added the following line to the Hello World program?



  1. Personalize the Hello World program with your name so that it tells you Hello rather than the somewhat generic "World."
  2. Write a program that produces the following output:

    Hello World!
    It's been nice knowing you.
    Goodbye world!
  3. Write a program that draws the following figures one above the other.
    * * * * *               *  
    * * * * *              * *  
    * * * * *             * * *
    * * * * *           * * * * *

    Now modify it to draw them next to each other like above.

Further Reading

The original Hello World program in C comes from

Kernighan, Brian W. And Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, pp. 5-8, Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988

Operators, literals, separators, white space, comments and identifiers are covered fully if not always clearly in sections 3.6 through 3.10 of The Java Language Specification.

Gosling, James, Bill Joy And Guy Steele, The Java Language Specification, pp. 15-25, Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, Inc., 1996

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Copyright 2000 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified June 7, 2000