Java News from Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Etienne Gagnon has released version 1.1.8 of SableVM, a Java bytecode interpreter (that is, a virtual machine) written in portable C. "SableVM requires an ANSI/ISO C compiler (but preferably GCC) and a POSIX platform. It requires a strong memory model (sequential consistency) on multiprocessor systems." SableVM is available for GNU/Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD. Version 1.1.8 can now run Eclipse 2 and 3. It also improves support for Jikes and Quicktime/Java. SableVM depends on GNU Classpath. This release updates the bundled version of GNU Classpath and can now run with unmodified versions of GNU Classpath. SableVM is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).