Java News from Monday, March 27, 2006

The Apache Jakarta Project has released Commons Validator 1.3, an extensible open source framework for defining validation methods. Although it uses XML to define the validation rules, this component is intended for general data validation, not specifically or even primarily XML validation. "This release fixes a number of bugs found in Validator 1.2.0 and includes new refactored Date, Time and Number validation routines. It is compatible with Validator 1.2.0.". It is published under the Apache 2.0 license.

The Jakarta Apache Project has released Cactus 1.7.2, a simple framework for unit testing server-side Java code such as servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, tag libraries, etc. Version 1.7.2 removes an LGPL jar (jboss-j2ee.jar, necessary to run the samples), which is forbidden by ASF policies.