Java News from Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sun has posted the first update release of Java 6 for Linux, Windows, and Solaris. This release fixes over 70 assorted bugs.

Tonight, Tuesday, April 3, is the latest iteration of Extreme Tuesday New York. This will once again be held at the Silver Swan at 41 East 20th Street, starting at 6:30. I'm not sure if I'll be there tonight or not. I'm in serious crunch mode on Refactoring HTML, so I may stay home and write.

Syncro Soft has released Syncro SVN Client 2.3, a $59 GUI Subversion client written in Java. Version 2.3 enables you to quickly find out what happened in a project or what a user worked on during a given period of time, improves the integration with bug tracking tools and adds application global ignores for unversioned resources displayed in the Working Copy view.

Yori Mihalakopoulos has released a public preview of MochaCode, a Mac-only Java IDE.